Inclusion Criteria:
At the Four-Year Training Program in Systemic Psychotherapy are being admitted doctors, psychologists, social workers and students in the respective disciplines, who have successfully completed at least the first 2 years of studies, provided that the completion of their basic degree will precede the completion of the four year program.
In order to obtain psychotherapeutic competence, the trainees should also participate in groups of supervision for mental health professionals.
People from other disciplines (teachers, nurses or sociologists) may enroll at the program, if their work or their social activity is directly linked to intervention in human systems.
People who have started their training at another institution (accredited by the EFTA-TIC) and want their previous training to be counted during their studies, may also enroll at the Four Year Training Program in Systemic Psychotherapy.
Those who wish to participate at the program should submit a short CV and copies of their degrees and participate in an interview with the head of the study program.
Description of the Program:
The Four Year Training Program in Systemic Psychotherapy is designed according to the European Criteria in Systemic Psychotherapy Training as defined by the European Family Therapy Association – Training Institute Chamber.
The duration of the program is 1000 hours. The basic training is conducted in four – hour weekly meetings from October to June each year. Groups of trainees from other areas can be carried out in intensive fortnightly or monthly bases to facilitate trainees.
The training program takes place on four axes:
- Theory (200 hours).
- Clinical/practical training (200 hours)
- Personal Development (100-150 hours)
- Individual study and preparation of a diplomatic essay (300 hours).
Obtaining psychotherapeutic proficiency also requires participation at groups of supervision of mental health professionals (100-150 hours) (total duration of the program 1000 hours).
Theoretical Learning (Group of Theory)
Means of realization: Lectures, bibliography report (book & article presentation, trainees’ essays), workshops, audiovisual material.
Scientific topics
- Code of ethics.
- General Systems Theory.
- Basic principles of Systemic Therapy.
- Systemic thinking: application in families and larger systems.
- The ‘context’ as a reference point for Systemic Psychotherapy.
- Basic principles of family function.
- Family as a system, a subsystem and an hyper system.
- Individual development, Family lifecycle: critical points/events and evolutional stages.
- Attachment theory: a systemic reading.
- Psychopathology and symptoms through a systemic perception.
- History and evolution of Family Therapy.
- Schools of Family Therapy (extensive presentation).
- Therapeutic process: the role of the therapist, the role of the group, systemic interview, systemic diagnosis, stages of therapy, systemic interventions).
- When the therapist ‘follows’ the theory and not the family.
- Therapist’s involvement in the therapeutic process.
- Curiosity and questioning in the therapeutic process.
- Special issues (divorce, death / bereavement, adoption, violence, abuse, immigration, homosexuality etc).
- The use of Creative Fantasy as a mean of emergence of different communicational contexts.
- Synthesis of Systemic Approach with other Psychotherapeutic Approaches.
Duration: 200 hours.
Clinical / Practical Training(Group of practice)
It includes four different stages:
- 1st stage: Group of observation.
- 2nd stage: Reflecting team.
- 3rd stage: Co –therapy.
- 4th stage: Undertaking of a case under immediate supervision.
Duration: 200 hours.
The practice begins in the first year of the program. During the four years the trainees progressively participate in the four different stages of practical training. Completion with the participation at the group of supervision of mental health professionals (indirect supervision).
Personal Development(Group of therapy)
Groups of therapy havethree-generational orientation. Their aim is for the trainees:
- To achieve a secure equilibrium between feeling of belonging and individuality (capability of separating the ‘I’ from the “we”).
- To develop ‘questioning’, ‘curiosity’ and “fantasy” as means of reading life events, of deconstructing etiological relations and of activating alternative ways of composing life experiences.
Duration: 100-150 hours (according to different individual needs).
Individual Study and Preparation of a Diplomatic Essay
During the four years of training, the trainees should study the corresponding systemic literature and deliver the work assigned to them at regular intervals. In the last year they undertake the preparation of a diplomatic essay in the systemic field (theoretical essay or research, depending on their interests).
Original works that promote the scientific dialogue may be presented at scientific meetings or published in scientific journals respectively.
Group of Supervision of Mental Health Professionals
Thebasicaimofthisgroupofsupervisionisforthetherapisttobeabletocontrolhisplaceinthetherapeuticsystem by utilizing his personal life story and by avoiding emotional enmeshment with his/her clients
Duration: 100-150 hours.
Additional Educational Activities
Aiming at the wide knowledge and educational experiences for the trainees, the Ergastirion of Systemic Thinking and Training regularly organizes conferences, workshops and symposia with distinguished invited speakers from the field of Systemic Psychotherapy and other therapeutic approaches or disciplines. This way the trainees have the opportunity to synthesize and combine ideas that promote scientific thinking.
Completion of the Four Year Training Program in Systemic Psychotherapy
The completion of the Four Year Training Program in Systemic Psychotherapy requires the attendance of 80% of the scheduled meetings, the delivery of the required works and the non-violation of the Code of Ethics as established by the European Family Therapy Association (EFTA Code of Ethics, ).
Graduates of the program can apply to participate as members of the European Family Therapy Association.